
Ninja Forms Conditional Logic 3.1

Updated: November 13, 2023

Conditional Logic extension for Ninja Forms allows you to show or hide fields, change field values, or send specific notifications all based upon user input.

Do you want your forms to respond conditionally to users’ choices? Many times we need to show more options, or fewer, relevant to the user’s response. You can choose to show or hide fields, settings and configure actions based on other field selections. Control preferences for sending emails to select people and departments. Modify lists, values, and more on the fly as the form is being filled out. WordPress forms with Conditional Logic are the solution.

With Ninja Forms Conditional Logic, you can easily:

Show & Hide Fields

Reveal options, fields and values based on user choices.

Change Values

Edit field values and perform calculations conditionally.

Modify Lists

Reconfigure list based on user selections.

Send Conditionally

Set conditions to determine if and who receives responses.

Custom Responses

Show different success messages based on form selections.

Intelligent Redirects

Set redirect destinations conditionally.

Subscribe to Lists

Add to different subscription lists based on user responses.

And much more…

There is too much to list. Read on to learn all about Conditional Logic.

With conditional logic, your WordPress forms will respond to the selections a user makes in your form. Each conditional form can tailor itself to your individual users’ needs!

Show and hide fields based on user choice

Any number of fields can display or hide based on any user interaction. Only ever show the fields that are relevant to the individual user! Need something as simple as displaying a text field if a user chooses “other” from a list? No problem. Want to display sets of fields based on a number or other user selection? Show/hide parts of a form unless their budget is higher than x? Also no problem. WordPress conditional forms can be as simple or complex as you need them to be.

Want to offer a discount if a user enters a coupon code? Change the price of an item if a customer orders more than x? Create a quiz that presents different options based on the user’s score? All of these and more are possible with your WordPress conditional logic form! With Ninja Forms logic, any value in either a field or a calculation can change based on user input, and the form can change to reflect the value!

Modify lists

Want to show or hide individual list items? Just like fields, you can show or hide selection options within any list field. Dropdowns, radio lists, any list. Show or hide one list option, or many. It’s all up to what your users need to see!

Send conditional WordPress email

Email notifications don’t always need to go to the same person or department. If you need forms to conditionally send email to different people or departments based on how the user has filled in the form, it’s just a logic statement away. Any Ninja Forms email action can have logic applied to it very easily.

Display custom success messages

Any of your Ninja Forms can display a custom success message, but one message doesn’t always fit all. Wish you could display different success messages to different users based on how they’ve responded in the form? Want to be able to show different users different results based on a score you’ve calculated in the form? It’s simple: just add conditional logic to any success message. It will only display under the conditions you’ve set. Perfect for quizzes that show users unique results!

Redirect to different destinations

Want to move users from your form to different pages on your WordPress website based on their responses? Just add a logic to the form’s redirect actions. You can set each to fire only if certain conditions have been met in the form. Perfect for routing users to different pages based on their individual interests!

There’s so much more…

Above examples only scratch the surface! You can apply logic practically anywhere, for almost anything. There are tons of other things you can use Ninja Forms Conditional Logic for! Here are some of the more common:

  • Offer different payment options
  • Sign up users to different newsletter lists based on preference
  • Filter for qualified leads only to be added to your crm
  • Offer different PDF downloads based on user choice
  • Skip pages in multi step forms based on your users’ answers
  • Hide the submit button unless particular choices are made

Work smarter, not harder, with conditional WordPress forms!

Sure it’s cliché, but it’s valid. Stop doing things manually that you could be automating. Stop putting everything in front of your users all at once if you don’t have to. Especially for longer forms, trimming back what you display and only showing relevant fields can do wonders for how often your form is actually submitted. That translates into more time and more success with less effort. Let Ninja Forms Conditional Logic start doing work for you today!

Ninja Forms Conditional Logic



Version: 3.1

License: GPL

Updated: November 13, 2023

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