
User Registration Save and Continue 1.0.1

Updated: August 15, 2023

You need to install the core plugin from here, before installing this add-on. The Save and Continue Add-on for the User Registration WordPress Plugin offers users the flexibility to save their incomplete form progress and complete it at a later time. This feature enhances the user experience, making the registration process more convenient and user-friendly, and it helps reduce form abandonment.

Save and Continue

Seamless Registrations: Pause Now, Pick Up Anytime.

Introducing the Save and Continue Add-on 

With the Save and Continue add-on for User Registration, users can save their incomplete form progress and complete it later. It’s convenient, user-friendly, and reduces form abandonment. 

Flexible Registration Experience  

Allow users to save their form-filling progress and complete the registration process at a later time.  

Form Persistence

Retain all filled-in information, so users don’t have to start from scratch. 

Supports Multi-step Form 

Enable complex registration forms with multiple steps, allowing users to save their progress at each step.  

User Registration Save and Continue



Version: 1.0.1

License: GPL

Updated: August 15, 2023

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