
User Registration Profile Completeness 1.0.2

Updated: December 10, 2023

Encourage users to complete their profiles by displaying their profile completeness status graphically.

Profile Completeness 

Encourage users to complete their profiles by displaying their profile completeness status graphically.

Introducing the Profile Completeness Add-on

Display your users’ profile completeness status graphically to motivate them to complete their profiles and boost user engagement on your site. 

Visualize User Profile Completion 

Effortlessly monitor and showcase users’ progress in completing their profiles through intuitive visual representations. 

Mandatory User Profile Fields

Set mandatory fields and require users to fill in all necessary information for a comprehensive profile.  

Personalized Experiences 

Complete user profiles provide valuable data that you can use to personalize recommendations, content, and tailored experiences for your users. 

User Registration Profile Completeness



Version: 1.0.2

License: GPL

Updated: December 10, 2023

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