
ForGravity Live Population 1.4.5

Updated: March 12, 2020

Take your Gravity Forms forms to a new level by utilizing live entry data to populate form fields without the need for a page reload. Use merge tags to populate field values, labels and more without reloading the page.
Take your Gravity Forms forms to a new level by utilizing live entry data to populate form fields without the need for a page reload. Use merge tags to populate field values, labels and more without reloading the page.


Create forms that personalize themselves to the user as they fill out fields


Use merge tags to turn simple AJAX requests into new values


Supports almost every Gravity Forms field type out of the box

Real-Time Field Updates

Generate new field placeholders, descriptions, choices, and more in real-time using field entries from the user. No reload required.

Dozens of Field Types Supported

Live Population supports dozens of Gravity Forms field types, including their label, values, description, and more. View the full list here.

Customized User Experience

Use user-entered entry data to populate custom content in your form for an experience that is personalized for the specific user.

Enhanced Form Summaries

With merge tags, you can create an HTML field that summarizes data submitted in the form for review by the visitor.

Limitless Possibilities

Get the most from your form data. Use a list field to collect data from visitors, then sort through that data to automatically generate a series of options in a dropdown, checkbox, etc. fields.

ForGravity Live Population



Version: 1.4.5

License: GPL

Updated: March 12, 2020


Gravity Wiz is a small company dedicated to providing awesome Gravity Forms resources in the form of snippets, tutorials and plugins. Premium WordPress plugins that make common Gravity Forms tasks effortless.

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