
Gravity View Entry Revisions 1.2.10

Updated: December 15, 2023

A page builder, using Gravity Forms data.

Track, compare and restore changes to an entry over time.

See a list of changes made to an entry, and easily revert the changes that were made. “Track Changes” for Gravity Forms entries!

Show a history of edits to an entry

Show the full history of changes to an entry, what field values changed, and who changed them. Restore the entry version you want with a single click.

Showing a history of edits is great for GravityView. GravityView allows users to edit their own entries, so you may want to know the changes to an entry over time. That’s possible with Entry Revisions.

It’s easy to go back to a previous version of an entry

Restoring an old version of an entry in Gravity Forms is as easy as clicking the version of the entry you want, selecting the values to restore, and clicking a button.


Gravity View Entry Revisions



Version: 1.2.10

License: GPL

Updated: December 15, 2023


* Fixed: Error when Gravity Forms is deactivated
* Fixed: Linking to entry revisions from GravityView and [Gravity Forms Calendar](https://gravityview.co/extensions/calendar/)
* Fixed: PHP warning in Gravity Forms Entry screen

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