
Directorist Gamipress Integration 0.6.0

Updated: April 26, 2024

Directorist GamiPress Integration Connects Directorist with GamiPress in one place. It helps you to aggrandize the engagement of your directory business with the utmost possible ease. Moreover, this extension allows you to coalesce the famous plugin, GamiPress with Directorist activity events based on the points gained and features to make your directory website even more magnetic and interactive.

Gamipress Integration

Directorist GamiPress Integration Connects Directorist with GamiPress in one place. It helps you to aggrandize the engagement of your directory business with the utmost possible ease. Moreover, this extension allows you to coalesce the famous plugin, GamiPress with Directorist activity events based on the points gained and features to make your directory website even more magnetic and interactive.

Product Overview

Directorist GamiPress Integration is an intuitive, user-friendly, and reliable solution that renders a solid integration between Directorist and GamiPress, the free yet powerful plugin in the WordPress repository. This is the extension that lets you assign and deduct points, achievements, and ranks for Directorist events like Publish a new listing, Delete a listing, Listing expires, User reports a listing, Owner gets report on a listing, User reviews a listing, Owner gets review on a listing, User favorites a listing, Owners listing get favorites, Listing becomes popular, and Purchase a plan. 

The piece of good news is that using this integration extension, users can redeem their achieved points with the Directorist Coupon extension used in the Directorist checkout. Moreover, the points achieved by the users can be used on any GamiPress system, for example, WooCommere Points Gateway, Points Card, etc.

Make Your Directory More Captivating

Directorist GamiPress Integration comes with an option that endows your users with points that they can redeem. In this way, you can captivate your users more and more. 

Gamify Your Directory Business Website With Ease

Directorist GamiPress Integration lets you gamify your directory business website with the utmost possible ease. It allows you to endow your users with digital rewards for interacting with your directory website. 

Directorist Gamipress Integration


Version: 0.6.0

License: GPL

Updated: April 26, 2024

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