
AffiliateWP REST API Extended 1.2

Updated: January 27, 2022

Easily create your full-featured affiliate program on WordPress You’re here because you want an affiliate marketing solution that works. AffiliateWP is an easy-to-use, reliable WordPress plugin that gives you the affiliate marketing tools you need to grow your business and make more money.

AffiliateWP includes a full read-only RESTful API that allows developers and external applications to interact with data in the AffiliateWP databases.

This REST API Extended add-on adds Create, Update, and Delete operations into the mix, giving developers and external applications complete control over data in the AffiliateWP databases.

With the REST API Extended add-on, the following actions are available to the REST API for affiliates, creatives, referrals, visits, and payouts:

  • Create affiliate/creative/referral/visit/payout
  • Update affiliate/creative/referral/visit/payout
  • Delete affiliate/creative/referral/visit/payout

The possibilities enabled with this extended API are nearly endless. A few examples of possible applications include:

  • Visit and referral tracking from external websites, including non-WordPress sites
  • Referral tracking in custom and non-WordPress eCommerce systems
  • Synchronization of affiliate accounts across multiple databases and servers
  • Automatically updating affiliate accounts when changes are made from external applications
  • Creating referral records for affiliates each time an order is processed in an external payment processor
  • Custom affiliate areas hosted outside of WordPress
AffiliateWP REST API Extended



Version: 1.2

License: GPL

Updated: January 27, 2022

5/5 - (2 votes)

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