
Soliloquy CSS Addon 2.2.1

Updated: March 28, 2020

Soliloquy is the best WordPress slider plugin. Here are the features that make Soliloquy the most powerful and user-friendly WordPress slider plugin in the market.

Place your own custom CSS into each individual slider with the CSS addon, giving you endless possibilities for your slider style and display views.

Do you want to customize your WordPress slider?

Aside from our pre-made slider templates, you can also use our CSS addon to add custom CSS styles to your WordPress sliders.

The CSS addon is a perfect, free utility addon to allow you to tailor customizations to specific sliders.

Once activated, a CSS box will be available under the Misc tab for your slider. You can add your custom CSS styles for each individual slider.

Soliloquy CSS Addon



Version: 2.2.1

License: GPL

Updated: March 28, 2020


Fix: URL being stripped from CSS field

5/5 - (1 vote)

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