
PMPro: Subscription Delays .5.6

Updated: March 2, 2021

The Most Complete Membership Solution for Your WordPress Site. Unlimited levels, recurring payments, registration & profile fields, protected member content, robust member management and more.

This Add On adds a “delay” field to membership levels and discount codes, allowing you to set a variable-length period between your initial payment (if required) and recurring subscription payment.

When editing a Membership Level or Discount Code, you will see a new “Delay” field. There are many ways you can use this delay field, including:

  • A single integer representing the number of days to delay the start of the subscription. This is useful for variable-length trials such as a 7-day trial on a monthly plan.
  • A specific date in the format YYYY-MM-DD to begin the subscription. This is useful for courses that have a specific enrollment period and group start date.
  • A date that is automatically calculated based on their signup using the a combination of integers and placeholders for year (Y), month (M), and day (D). This is useful if you’d like all subscriptions to being the first day of the following year (Y2-01-01) or first day of the following month (Y1-M2-01).
PMPro: Subscription Delays


Version: .5.6

License: GPL

Updated: March 2, 2021



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