
AffiliateWP Pushover Notifications 1.2

Updated: January 15, 2022

Easily create your full-featured affiliate program on WordPress You’re here because you want an affiliate marketing solution that works. AffiliateWP is an easy-to-use, reliable WordPress plugin that gives you the affiliate marketing tools you need to grow your business and make more money.

Pushover is a service that allows you to receive push notifications on your iOS or Android powered phone or tablet. This add-on for AffiliateWP gives your affiliates the option of connecting their phone or tablet via Pushover to your affiliate system, powered by AffiliateWP, so that they receive push notifications anytime a new referral is awarded to their account.

2014-12-05 09.39.52

AffiliateWP Pushover Notifications



Version: 1.2

License: GPL

Updated: January 15, 2022

5/5 - (2 votes)

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